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Hypoglycemia and Diabetes with Vitalyte.
Did you know that the sugar found in Vitalyte is almost entirely glucose? “I have diabetes; do you make VITALYTE without any sugar?” or “Can I drink VITALYTE if I am hypoglycemic?” These and other variations are among the most common questions I have about using VITALYTE and with good reason: people with diabetes and hypoglyce- mia have problems in...
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Skip the Hair of the Dog - Try These Hangover Tips
We’ve boasted for awhile now that our Electrolyte Replacement Solution is amazing for It basically replenishes your body of the essential electrolytes it needs for healthy functioning. But, we thought we’d give you some other hangover pointers that the famed Dr. Oz has suggested. EAT PLENTY OF FOOD – Neither Dr. Oz nor we can stress this enough. Make sure...
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Yoga and Running - Best Friends Forever
Hello fellow Vitalyte fans! Let's talk about one of my favorite things - yoga and more specifically, yoga for runners - because it's something that all of you athletes out there should really start incorporating into your workout routines. One thing that's true about runners is that there is always a ton of wear and tear on their bodies. The...
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Stay Limber My Friends
Stretch, stretch, stretch! If there's one thing any athlete knows it's that stretching is just as important to a workout routine, as the working out itself. Stretching allows your muscles to stay loose and prevents injuries or strains. It also helps you keep your form while exercising, which will allow you to work out longer and achieve a lot more....
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How to Make Exercise Fun
I’ve got the shoes, I know the yoga poses, now how do I make working out fun? Many of us feel about exercise the way we felt about eating brussels sprouts as a kid an unsavory thing we have to do to get something we want. Back then, that something was probably dessert or pleasing our parents. Now, it’s looking...
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Apps That Get You Into Shape
I have been talking a lot lately about wanting to get myself back in shape and eating healthier. Well, guess what? There’s an app for that. In fact, there are a number of apps for that. And here are my top faves so far… StepTrackLite – Sounds cool right? This app works as a simple pedometer to measure and track...
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5 Ways to Get Off Your Hide and Find Your Stride
I’ve given a lot of attention to running in the past blogs. The reason for it is simple: 1) I love any excuse to get outside, listen to music and be alone with my thoughts; and 2) It gives me a high that’s comparable to eating a box of caramel turtle chocolates (minus the calories). But running isn’t for everyone. ...
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Top 5 Tips for Training for Your First 5K
You’ve done it. You are committed. Your race entry has been confirmed. You have your new pair of running shoes and you’re ready to sport your entire lululemon ensemble on the running trail. But what you really need to know is where do you begin when you are a beginner runner and you are training for your first 5K. Well,...
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