Feel Better Faster With Vitalyte

Shortly after VITALYTE was developed, a runner told me about his whole family being down with the flu a few weeks before. He was so sick he didn’t feel like eating or drinking anything, even if he could keep it down. But, he knew that it was up to him to do something so he could look after the rest of the family. He remembered that VITALYTE hadn’t upset
his usually sensitive stomach in a marathon and tried some of it (this was the original, almost tasteless, formulation). It went down easily, seemed to settle his stomach and stayed down. A few more glasses and, within a half-hour, he was up taking care of the rest of the family. With liberal administrations of VITALYTE, they were up and about faster than any of the other people he knew who had the flu at that time.
One of the earliest symptoms of a respiratory virus infection is aching muscles and dry or “gritty” eyes you feel as if you haven’t had enough sleep. As the virus invades the cells, fluids migrate into the intercellular medium from the cells and from circulation ... a “whole-body inflammation” ... and the cells of the body are effectively dehydrated. Fever also contributes to dehydration, as does vomiting or diarrhea ... you can see why the doctor says “Drink plenty of fluids”.
The malaise of an illness is basically a dehydration symptom and rehydration can dramatically remedy this. The problem lies in being able to get the fluids into the system; when you are nauseous, usually nothing tastes good enough to drink even if it will stay down and, when you have diarrhea, everything just goes right through the system. As the water is lost, it carries with it electrolytes from your body, depleting you even further if they aren’t replaced. Often physicians must prescribe electrolyte supplements or even intravenous fluids with electrolytes, especially for small children and babies, when they have been severely dehydrated from colds or flu.
You can see how VITALYTE can help someone coming down with, or in the throes of, these illnesses. It is designed to be innocuous in the stomach, buffered to feel like nothing is there, has a light flavor that doesn’t offend the palate when noth- ing tastes good, and goes into the system quickly with the electrolytes so vital to the body’s well-being. As experienced by thousands of “test subjects”, nothing else is so effective in helping you prevent, survive and recover from colds, flu and many other respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.
Like thousands of others who have discovered how effective it is, whenever I feel the symptoms of a cold or the flu coming on dry, gritty and puffy eyes and aching muscles for no other reason or even more advanced stages like congestion, stuffy nose, headache and cough ... I start a regimen of VITALYTE, perhaps backed by analgesics like ibuprofen (AdvilTM), aspirin or acetaminophen (TylenolTM) and Vitamin C, and am feeling better in a short time and “all well” much sooner!
Try it; you’ll really appreciate the difference VITALYTE can make !
Bill Gookinaid