How to get rid of hangovers

How to get rid of hangovers
How to get rid of hangovers

I got introduced to Vitalyte a few years ago when I first started designing a website for them. I was lucky enough to bring home a box of free products when I started working with them and I must admit I have not had a traditional hangover since. Now I've really gone out and killed some brain cells a few nights and somehow remained coherent enough to mix a glass of Vitalyte before hitting the bed. I'll be straight up with you, while I still feel a little run down the next morning, I have no headache, and no "I want to die" feeling. This stuff really works, I've got all my friends hooked on it. I promise this will be the last shameless plug on here, but if I can save a few of you a bed ridden day — why not?

Looking forward to sharing some interesting things about art, design, music and all the other things that keep me moving. Thanks for stopping by!


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