Don’t Let the Cold Weather Stop Your Training

Cold weather isn’t an obstacle when it comes to enjoying outdoor activities and sports. There are so many to choose from such as skiing, sledding, and skating. Some people may be deterred from the weather but you shouldn’t allow the frigid temperatures to keep you from training.
While anyone with a passion for outdoor sports shouldn’t let the coldness keep them from training, there are some things to keep in mind:
Limited daylight.
The colder months bring shorter days. This shortens the amount of daylight you have to go outside to workout or train. The shorter days require you to plan your regime to happen when there is enough light for you to see.
Colder weather means longer warm up.
With any exercise, you need to warm up your muscles to get ready to be put to work. When the temperature is low, your muscles will need more warm up exercises to prepare to move under drastic measures. Using more of a dynamic stretching allows your joints to loosen up and get your blood flowing.
Not eating or drinking enough.
During cold weather, you may notice a cloud when you exhale. This is water vapor being released from your body. Between this and sweating during a workout, you could lose more water than if it were hot out. After a workout, it is important that you replenish your body with water, even if you do not feel thirsty. It has been shown that cold weather can reduce the sensation of thirst by 40%.
Keeping these challenges in mind is important for success. While there are some common difficulties, there are plenty of benefits that come along with exercising in the cold!
More efficient workouts.
It is suggested that working out in the cold can help improve your endurance. This is because when it is colder, your heart does not need to work as hard. When your heart isn’t working in overdrive, you will notice less sweat and less expenditure of energy. Additionally, there have been studies done that theorizes that white fat can be transformed into calorie-burning brown fat when working out in the cold.
Decreased Seasonal Affective Disorder.
This disorder causes seasonal depression mostly caused from the limited daylight hours during winter. Exercising outside can reduce this disorder as you are going outside to workout and soaking up some sunlight.
Improved mental health.
When our bodies have lower temperatures, our brains have more glucose readily available. This improves our brain function. Some studies suggest that our brains run optimally during colder climates.
You may be asking yourself, “How do I safely train in the cold?” Look below at some of the best tips we could round up.
Stick to a plan.
This is one of the most important aspects of training in the cold. This keeps you on track and safe. A plan can be something as simple as knowing a route to take if you are running, as well as keeping your phone charged and a water bottle on you to replenish the water your body sheds.
Warm up properly.
As stated previously, you should be giving your muscles an adequate warm up session before beginning any exercise. Colder weather is harsher on your body, and cold temperatures usually cause muscles to be stiff. Warming them up will help avoid hurting yourself and allow you to perform more efficiently.
Dress for the weather.
Although your heart may be in Hawaii, your body may not be. Bundle up and make sure you are covered to avoid getting frostbite. This commonly happens with ears and fingers.
Drink plenty of water and electrolytes.
Cold weather can decrease the sensation of thirst up to 40%. Regardless of if you’re feeling thirsty or not, you should be replenishing your body of the water it loses while working out. Another great option to keep on hand is Vitalyte as it has essential nutrients and electrolytes to keep your body hydrated.
Cold weather shouldn’t stop you from getting a good sweat. Go out and train, but be sure to respect the cold by dressing warm and drinking enough fluids.
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